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Dali Khomeriki met with the Delegation of the French Senators

Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

The Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia, Dali Khomeriki held the meeting with the delegation of French Senators who are visiting Georgia.

At the introductory meeting both sides discussed Georgian-French relations. The focus of attention was also the role of France during Georgian-Russian war in 2008. The Minister expressed her gratitude to French representatives for supporting Georgia at difficult times.

The delegation members expressed their willingness to visit IDP settlement and to get acquainted with the living conditions of IDPs.

According to the Senator their visit would be followed with the continuation of the future cooperation and the readiness to provide assistance to Georgia.

The delegation had meeting with chairman of the Parliament, David Bakradze. They will take part in the International Conference held in Batumi as well.


Тэги: IDP Settlement Minister Dali Khomeriki

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