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Gender Responsive Budgeting at the local level

Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

On 22 - 23 June in frames of the project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia (WEPD) was held the training in Gender Responsive Budget Monitoring by invited expert CharitaJashi. Training was hosted in the office of Open Society Georgia Foundation.

In the process of social mobilization (Taso Foundation is responsible for) in all the municipalities included are forming committees of cooperation with local self-governments. The objective of the training was to prepare members of those committees for future collaboration with local self-governments about local budgeting process. On the training were presented representatives of the villages Koki, Orsantia, Anaklia (Zugdidi Municipality); Tsintskaro IDP settlement (Tetritskaro Municipality); Agmamedlo (Marneulimunicipailty); Tirdznisi, Tergvisi (Gori Municipality).

WEPD project is supported by Norwegian Government and is implementing by UN Women office in Tbilisi in partnership with Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation. The project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia implies cooperation, technical and financial assistance to relevant national partners in the government and civil society in order to support the realization of gender equality and the reduction of feminized poverty through addressing women’s social, economic, and political needs, with particular focus on internally displaced, conflict-affected and national minoritywomen’s groups.

Source: Portal GINSC

Тэги: WEPD project Norwegian Government UN Women Women’s Information Center Taso Foundation IDP

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