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The meeting with David Narmania was held in Gori

Nino Chibchiuri
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

In the conference hall of the municipality of Gori the minister of  Regional development and Infrastructure of Georgia has been told about the characteristic problems of the population of the region Shida Kartli.


The persons, who know well problematic issues and some of them , have these problems themselves, have attended the meeting, organized by the initiative of the ministry of regional development and Infrastructure and UN Women organization. The representatives of Women’s information Center, women’s rights defender organizations and civil society of local government have attended the meeting with the initiators ,internally displaced persons (IDP) and the population of  cross-border villages.  The members of the coalition women’s political engagement have also discussed the problems of internally displaced persons  (IDP)  and the population of cross-border villages during the meeting with the minister.


As we were informed from the meeting, infrastructural issues are mostly problematic for IDP and the people living in the conflict zone.  The audience has paid attention to women’s problems and needs in this context.


After the speakers, the minister David Narmania has summed up the situation in this region and has informed the audience about the perspectives of solving these problems, and some new projects, the ministry is planning in the near future.


The meeting lasted during 2 hours. As the audience has told, such meetings are important in order to solve the problems of the region.


The meeting was implemented in the frame of the project ”Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia”, by UN Women with the partnership of Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation, with the support of  Norwegian government.


Source: Portal GINSC


Тэги: anti-discriminatory law Ministry of justice Georgia

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