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Angelina Jolie pens powerful letter urging everyone to make the a world a better place

Категория: Гендер в мире 

Just when we thought Angelina Jolie couldn’t get any cooler she poses on the cover of Harper’s Bazarr with some cheetahs… in Nambia… talking about women’s rights.


Angelina was on the cover for the magazine’s November issue which includes a letter she wrote urging people to try to make the a world a better place. The issue is the 150th anniversary collector’s edition and in her letter Angelina reflects on how far women’s rights have come since then.

‘I imagine that if that reader of Bazaar could see us now, she would be astonished,’ she wrote. However, she quickly acknowledges that that is not far enough: ‘I read recently that the World Economic Forum predicted that it will take 83 years for the gaps in rights and opportunities between women and men to close in all countries….Eighty-three years seems far longer than anyone, man or woman, would ever hope for or imagine.’

She goes on to urge everyone to do more: ‘There is a lot we can’t predict about the world 150 years from now. But we do know that our great-grandchildren will be living with the consequences of decisions we make now.’ Angelina Jolie has campaigned through much of her career for human rights including support for charities such as UNICEF and the UN Refugee Agency to help end poverty and poor treatment all over the world.


Тэги: Angelina Jolie Harper’s Bazarr letter

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