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Man arrested for sharing breakfast with woman in Saudi Arabia

Категория: Гендер в мире 

The Egyptian filmed himself with a woman who waved at the camera and fed him food, sparking anger among conservatives.

A man has been arrested in Saudi Arabia after a video was posted of him sharing breakfast with a woman.



The man, who is reportedly an Egyptian hotel worker, filmed himself eating breakfast with a female colleague in the hotel where they both work.



In the clip, the woman can be seen waving at the camera and feeding the man.

The Saudi labour ministry said the man had been arrested after appearing in the "offensive video".

They added that the owner of the hotel had also been summoned for failing to adhere to government regulations that workplaces should have a separate place for women.


It shows the challenge facing Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as he seeks to modernise the country and move its economy beyond one that depends almost solely on oil revenue.

In recent months, women have been given the right to drive, the country has opened its first cinema and some mixed-gender concerts have been allowed.


But in April, authorities closed a female fitness centre after a promotional video appeared to show women in tight gym clothes.

In June, Saudi Arabia sacked the head of its entertainment authority after a circus featured women wearing leotards.






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