კატეგორია: გენდერი მსოფლიოში  2018-10-03
On September 27 Women's Information Center (WIC) took part in the consultations in New York (USA) under the theme: Women, Peace, Security and Humanitarian action held by the UN General Assembly.
The actress Kirsten Bell joined the consultations with the civil society, UN agencies and governments. American actress and activist works globally with a mandate of a goodwill ambassador to support programs for strengthening women and girls affected by conflict all over the world.

“People, who have experienced the conflict, are best aware of how to respond the results of it. I believe that civil society has a great power to make a difference”- she stated.
In the summarizing event of the consultations the Vice Prime Minister of Ireland, the representatives of Australia, Canada, Norway and Austria discussed the necessity of implementing UN security resolutions on women, peace and security. As the Vice Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Coveney noted, among the UN Resolutions, the ones on women, peace and security are translated to most languages. However, in UN peacekeeping missions there are still only 4 per cent of women and less than 1% of economic assistance is aimed to women’s reinforcement in conflict-affected regions. Simon Coveney, in the name of the government of Ireland, promised full support to the partnership of UN agencies and civil society to implement the resolutions.
Desiree Schweitzer, Director General of the Development Section at the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria, stressed the importance of existence of civil society cooperation platforms. In the meeting, which was held in Vienna, WIC and the representatives of the government shared their successful experience of the localization process of an action plan 1325 with international partners.
On behalf of the process of localization of gender policy, WIC started the process of integration of the UN resolution 1325. In 34 municipalities of Georgia Gender Equality Action Plans were created based on the local needs. Right now in the municipalities of Georgia the process of internal discussions and the approval of the action plans is currently in progress.