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Upskirting culprits to go on sex offenders' register

Категория: Гендер в мире 

Legislation that will see the worst offenders of upskirting placed on the Sex Offenders' Register has been introduced by the government.

The PM said she was proud the bill will make it a criminal offence punishable by up to two years in prison.

The legislation for England and Wales concerns incidents where a photo is secretly taken under a victim's skirt.

Tory Sir Christopher Chope previously objected to a private member's bill being used to create a new offence.

The MP for Christchurch said he supported a law change but had stopped the bill from progressing last Friday because he disapproved of how the legislation was being brought in without a debate.


Theresa May said upskirting was a "hideous invasion of privacy which leaves victims feeling degraded and distressed".

Justice minister Lucy Frazer said: "We will ensure this bill becomes law as soon as possible to protect more victims and properly punish offenders."

Legislation that will see the worst offenders of upskirting placed on the Sex Offenders' Register has been introduced by the government.

The PM said she was proud the bill will make it a criminal offence punishable by up to two years in prison.

The legislation for England and Wales concerns incidents where a photo is secretly taken under a victim's skirt.

Tory Sir Christopher Chope previously objected to a private member's bill being used to create a new offence.

The MP for Christchurch said he supported a law change but had stopped the bill from progressing last Friday because he disapproved of how the legislation was being brought in without a debate.


Theresa May said upskirting was a "hideous invasion of privacy which leaves victims feeling degraded and distressed".

Justice minister Lucy Frazer said: "We will ensure this bill becomes law as soon as possible to protect more victims and properly punish offenders."


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