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Woman in Nepal dies after being exiled to outdoor hut during her period

Категория: Гендер в мире 

Smoke inhalation suspected to have killed 21-year-old who lit fire to keep warm while observing controversial practice of sleeping outside during menstruation.

A woman has died in a remote village in Nepal because of a controversial tradition that means menstruating women are required to sleep in huts.


Temperatures in Nepal can fall below zero degrees celsius in the winter months, but women are still forced to sleep in outdoor sheds that are often poorly insulated and unheated.

Government administrator Tul Bahadur Kawcha said the 21-year-old woman is believed to have died from smoke inhalation after lighting a fire to keep warm.


The Hindu tradition of consigning menstruating women to sleep outside stems from fear that they will anger the gods or contaminate the home if they remain indoors. In rural areas, it is widely believed that failure to observe the practice will lead to bad fortune in the form of death or sickness among family members or livestock. While married women usually stay outside for only a few days, others remain banished for up to a week.

Kawcha said menstrual exclusion is still common practice in remote villages, despite a supreme court ban and the imminent introduction of a law to punish anyone guilty of enforcing the custom with three months in prison or a fine of 3,000 Nepalese rupees ($29). The new law comes into effect in August.


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