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Newly-resurfaced video of Allison Mack purportedly shows how she tried to lure women into alleged sex cult

კატეგორია: ტრეფიკინგი 

As actress Allison Mack prepares to go to trial on sex trafficking charges, a bizarre 2013 video has emerged that shows the Smallville star boasting about her involvement in the “female empowerment group” she allegedly used as a front to recruit women into a sex slave cult.

Mack, a longtime member of NIXVM, a so-called self-help group targeted at women, has been accused of luring 25 women into a NIXVM subgroup called “dominus obsequious sororium” — Latin for “master over the slave women.” As part of entry into DOS, women were required to provide “collateral” in the form of nude pictures or confessions to crimes and receive a brand featuring the initials of NIXVM leader Keith Raniere, who has been charged with sex trafficking and for having sex with two underaged girls — a 15-year-old and a 12-year-old.

In the 2013 video, Mack says that the organization Jness, which former NIXVM publicist Frank Parlato has alleged was used as a screening for potential DOS candidates, allowed women to “completely transform and evolve.”

“I’m literally seeing people’s life path completely turn 180 degrees, where in one moment they really felt like this was all that they had and this was all they could do, and then they come through Jness and start working with us and in our community and it’s like a whole other life is born through the new experience of themselves,” said Mack.

Multiple women have publicly said that Mack attempted to recruit them into JNess, including Sixth Sense star Samia Shoaib, who told The New York Post what Mack’s pitch technique was like. “Is there anything you have read that you can send to me? I would love to get into your brain a bit?!” Mack emailed her, according to a message Shoaib provided to the Post. Shoaib said Mack seemed desperate at the time, and apparently sleep-deprived, but nothing else caused Shoaib any concern. “I wish I could tell you alarm bells went off, but they really didn’t,” Shoaib told the Post. “She was a very sweet girl.”

Over Twitter, Mack also invited actress Emma Watson to talk to her about “an amazing women’s movement I think you’d dig.” Mack has pleaded not guilty to the charges against her, and has said that she is the process of negotiating a plea bargain.



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სასწავლო კურსი პანკისელი ქალებისთვის: "როგორ დავიწყოთ და განვავითაროთ ბიზნესი“

სასწავლო კურსი ქალებისთვის: როგორ დავიწყოთ და განვავითაროთ ბიზნესი

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