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Google's staff worldwide still overwhelmingly white and Asian men


In the US in 2014 just 2% of Google’s workers were black people and 3% were Hispanic, and only 18% of technology jobs are held by women

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Girls like digital media while boys prefer print, finds study on reading habits

Richard Adams

National Literacy Trust report also says girls continue to outpace boys in their enthusiasm for reading for pleasure

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Algerian woman banned from university exam over length of skirt supported by people sharing selfies of their legs online


Women and men in Algeria are sharing photos of their bare legs online, in a show of solidarity with a university student who was banned for an exam for wearing "short skirt"

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Women are, after all, better drivers than men


What this report shows is that men need to give their female counterparts their due when it comes to driving. The facts don't lie

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Amazon drops gendered listings for toys, customers can no longer search for items for 'boys' and 'girls'


Amazon has dropped gendered search options for its toys, grouping guns and Barbies together and no longer deciding which are for boys and which are for girls

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When A Student’s Baby Started Crying In Class, This Professor Had The Best Response Ever


Professor Sydney Engelberg, a 45-year lecturing veteran at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was unfazed when the child of a mother at his lecture on organizational behavior began to cry

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Qatar revives strict ‘Reflect Respect’ dress code campaign

Eman El-Shenawi

The “Reflect Respect” campaign had urged visitors or residents in Qatar last summer to wear “decent clothes” and show respect for the country’s traditions.

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Sheryl Sandberg posts tribute to her late husband David Goldberg


Her partner of 11 years, Goldberg was the chief executive of SurveyMonkey and father of the couple’s two children

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Meet Mariam Topeshashvili, 18, daughter of Georgian emigrants, who will study in Harvard!


She is a Brazilian citizen. She speaks Portuguese and five other languages. She loves politics and economics and spends a lot of time on volunteer work

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Beyond the Shelter

The youth exhibitions and installations

Women’s Fund in Georgia is honored to invite you to 2016 Kato Mikeladze Award Ceremony


Video archive

Research on Youth Views on Gender Equality


Gender policy

Three women vie to become next Paris mayor

With a nod from parliament, Greece gets first female president

Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men


Photo archive

Swedish politicians visit in WIC



To end slavery, free 10,000 people a day for a decade, report says

Interpol rescues 85 children in Sudan trafficking ring

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'


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