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TV host wore the same suit for one year, and no one noticed

Jenni Ryall


The wearing of the rip-off Burberry suit for 356 days was a silent protest against the sexism his Today show co-host, Lisa Wilkinson, faces on a daily basis in regards to the clothes she wears...

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German city gives green light to traffic-light women

Philip Oltermann

Dortmund poised to introduce 50% gender quota for traffic-light icons, but move is as much about road safety as feminism

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'Stronger warnings needed' over pregnant women drinking

Luke Walton

Campaigners and doctors are calling for stronger warnings about drinking during pregnancy, ahead of a legal test case on foetal alcohol syndrome

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Apple and Facebook will pay for female employees to freeze their eggs

Claire Cohen

The Silicon Valley companies are offering a 'perk' of up to £12,000 to help women employees undergo the egg-freezing process and allow them to focus on building their careers

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ISIS Teen Postergirls Get Much-Needed Reality Check: One Life-Altering Event That Changes Everything

Kyle Becker

Remember these two girls? That’s 15-year-old Sabina Selimovic and 17-year-old Samra Kesinovic who fled their home country of Austria to join up with a ravaging group of terrorist marauders known as ISIS

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Karl Lagerfeld leads a feminist riot on 'Boulevard Chanel'


Lagerfeld isn't a woman, obviously. But he does operate under the mantle of Coco Chanel, who tied her fashion to the feminist cause, even if she didn't realise it

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Parisian suburb accused of gender stereotyping over school satchels

Kim Willsher

Row sparked by mayor of wealthy suburb of Puteaux handing out pink bags for girls and blue for boys for schools reopening

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News anchor sparks controversy after appearing on Saudi Arabian TV without headscarf

Carol Kuruvilla

A Saudi Arabian TV channel is fielding complaints from viewers after a female anchor appeared on a news program without covering her head

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Women should not laugh out loud in public, Turkey's deputy prime minister says


Women should not talk about unnecessary topics on their mobiles, Turkey's Deputy PM Bulent Arınc says in an Eid al-Fitr speech

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Beyond the Shelter

The youth exhibitions and installations

Women’s Fund in Georgia is honored to invite you to 2016 Kato Mikeladze Award Ceremony


Video archive

Research on Youth Views on Gender Equality


Gender policy

Three women vie to become next Paris mayor

With a nod from parliament, Greece gets first female president

Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men


Photo archive

Swedish politicians visit in WIC



To end slavery, free 10,000 people a day for a decade, report says

Interpol rescues 85 children in Sudan trafficking ring

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'


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