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The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Trends in Marital Dissolution

Christine R. Schwartza

One possible consequence is the growing number of marriages in which wives have more education than their husbands....

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Defying ban, Iranian women watch World Cup with men in public

Reza Sayah

It is rare for women and men in Iran to enjoy the thrill of sports together in public, but it happened over the weekend when several restaurants and cafes appeared to ignore a ban on broadcasting the World Cup

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Harassed on Facebook or Twitter? You're not the only one - poll

Maria Caspani

The survey, conducted between May 20 and 22, found that sexual harassment is the most common form of online abuse (44 percent)

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Google employs just 30% women and 2% black people, report shows

Samuel Gibbs

The data highlights the lack of women and ethnic groups in technology companies, despite much more diverse customer bases

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Legendary author Maya Angelou dies at age 86

Todd Leopold, Ashley Fantz, Moni Basu and Faith Karimi

A literary voice revered globally for her poetic command and her commitment to civil rights has fallen silent

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Schoolboys invited to wear skirts to class


School authorities in western France have caused a stir by inviting male pupils to wear skirts to class on Friday. But not everyone is happy with the move that is designed to take a stand against sexism

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Mother’s Day Event in China Lets Men Experience Pain of Childbirth


Of all the Mother’s Day events this year, I think this one was the most befitting – putting men through the pain of childbirth.....

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Kenyan president signs bill making polygamy legal


Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has signed into law a bill that legalizes polygamous unions and opens the door for men to marry as many wives as they want

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Saudi Arabia slams Norway’s human rights record


Norway’s human rights record has been dragged up for harsh criticism by...Saudi Arabia. The Middle Eastern nation has called for any criticism of religions or the Prophet Mohammed in the country..

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Beyond the Shelter

The youth exhibitions and installations

Women’s Fund in Georgia is honored to invite you to 2016 Kato Mikeladze Award Ceremony


Video archive

Research on Youth Views on Gender Equality


Gender policy

Three women vie to become next Paris mayor

With a nod from parliament, Greece gets first female president

Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men


Photo archive

Swedish politicians visit in WIC



To end slavery, free 10,000 people a day for a decade, report says

Interpol rescues 85 children in Sudan trafficking ring

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'


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