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Toys R Us's Stockholm superstore goes gender neutral

David Crouch

'Children are not coded to blue for boys and pink for girls – they should be free to choose what they want to play with'

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Supreme Court strikes down Canada's prostitution laws


The Supreme Court of Canada has struck down the country’s major prostitution laws, saying that bans on street soliciting, brothels and people living off the avails of prostitution create severe dangers...

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Pope Francis encourages mother to breast-feed in public


In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa, the first Jesuit Pope linked topics including recycling food and wastefulness to breastfeeding

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Marks & Spencer agrees to gender-neutral toy packaging

Rebecca Smithers

Marks & Spencer has agreed to make the packaging of all of its toys gender neutral by spring 2014, after customers complained that it was marketing items according to stereotypes

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What Does Gender Equality Mean for Me?


"What Does Gender Equality Mean for Me?" - the video is filmed as an effort toward 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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Male and female brains: the REAL differences


The recent study which “confirms” the differences between male and female brains has been roundly criticised by neuroscientists. However, there are some genuine differences that cannot be denied

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Is Pope Francis Secretly Sneaking Out Of The Vatican At Night To Give Money To The Poor?


He has personally sent money to old women struggling on a pension and to immigrants. He has personally called people who have written him letters. Is Pope Francis Secretly Sneaking Out..

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Intriguing Ads Tell Young Girls: 'You're Not a Princess' and 'Life's Not a Fairytale'

Rebecca Cullers

A tiny, all-female Catholic college-prep academy in Kentucky has created a curious ad campaign, via agency Doe-Anderson, that flies in the face of all my assumptions regarding Catholic education

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Pakistani Private Schools Ban Malala Book


Kashif Mirza, chief of the All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, is quoted as saying that the book, “I Am Malala,” contains anti-Islamic and anti-Pakistani content

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Beyond the Shelter

The youth exhibitions and installations

Women’s Fund in Georgia is honored to invite you to 2016 Kato Mikeladze Award Ceremony


Video archive

Research on Youth Views on Gender Equality


Gender policy

Three women vie to become next Paris mayor

With a nod from parliament, Greece gets first female president

Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men


Photo archive

Swedish politicians visit in WIC



To end slavery, free 10,000 people a day for a decade, report says

Interpol rescues 85 children in Sudan trafficking ring

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'


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Tel.: 2 100 229

Consultation Hotline for victims of human trafficking

Tel.: 2 26 16 27

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