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25 women are already supported with business and management training

Category: IDP Georgia 

With assistance of the MRA partner organization CARE in the framework of the project - “Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society” (SIIMS)  25 women are already supported with business and management training and grants (950USD) to enable them to begin businesses.

Around 50 IDP women in Kvemo Kartli and Shida Kartli will receive grants of 950 USD each to start up their own businesses and create job opportunities to others in the IDP settlements.

 “Women like me, who come from a traditionally passive social layer, would have never had any opportunity to start up my own business. I did not only get funding for my business idea through the project, but also acquired skills and knowledge on how to run my own business”- Lia Laliavi
 “At first I did not think that I would get funded while I did not have any experience in this field. But after attending the basic and advanced business trainings, I realized that I had an obvious opportunity to start generating income through my own business “-Maia Maisuradze


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