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IDP Children’s Success at the World Festival

Category: IDP Georgia 

The ensemble of IDP children from the Akhalgori and Tskhinvali Region received the highest award at an International World Festival. Today, the winner ensemble “Koruli” returned from the Festival. The special reception was held for them in Tserovani. Deputy Minister of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Andria Chulukhadze greeted and congratulated the winners. The ensemble held 18 concerts in the framework of the two week tour in Hungary and Serbia. IDP children attended the festival with assistance of MRA. The ensemble was formed two years ago in Tserovani, IDPs’ settlement. Rati Tvildiani led the group at the festival.

As IDP children noted, it was their first international competition and they are very happy - “We had very successful concerts. We were received an ovation, everyone liked our performance. Without our Minister’s support it would be impossible for us to attend the festival. I am full of impressions and cannot even express my emotions. It is our first achievement and I hope we will please the Ministry and our families again for many times in future” - noted Lasha Mtsitiauri, IDP child.


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