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Minister Met With Georgian Diplomats

Category: IDP Georgia 

Minister of IDPs from the Occupied Territories Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani met the Georgian Diplomats within the framework of Ambasadorial. The Minister holds the discussion with the Ambassadors on the issues related to the IDPs.

In particular, the Minister shortly presented the information to the ambassadors about the resettlement of IDPs -also the offered alternatives, Statistics of IDPs and Future plans. In particular, the Minister shortly presented the information to the ambassadors about the resettlement of IDPs -also the offered alternatives, Statistics of IDPs and Future plans.

Koba Subeliani also referred to the counters installation and gasification processes in the leaving spaces; He also discussed the privatization process of IDP living spaces and noted that the construction of residential buildings in Poti has been completed and IDPs have already settled there. Minister added that the constructions will be continued in Zugdidi, Tskaltubo and Batumi.

After the presentation, the Minister answered the questions of Georgian diplomats. Alexander Lomaia, Georgia's Permanent Representative to the UN, noted that Ambassadors of Latin American countries, who were visiting Georgia few months ago also, visited IDPs settlements and highly evaluated the conducted works. He noted that: “The Ambassadors admit that none of the countries have such conditions for IDPs as it is in Georgia. According to them, within the scope of possibilities everything is done for IDPs in Georgia. Relevantly, this issue had been reflected in the specially prepared report later.”

Meeting of Diplomatic Delegations and Consulates of Georgia - ambassadorial will be finished on September 14.


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