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Minister Discussed IDPs Issues with the Representatives of the Council of Europe

Category: IDP Georgia 

Minister Koba Subeliani held the official meeting with Ms. Anna Capello, DG-DAP Division of Cooperation Programmes and Political Adviser Rosaria Puglisi, CoE.

As the Representatives of CoE noted, they are preparing report on Georgia, including situation of IDPs in the period of April - September 2011, which will be the fifth such report. Relevantly, they were interested in details, process of resettlement of IDPs and their conditions. “The report will reflect the results of the 2008 conflict. It also deals with general policy issues and the human rights condition. We are going to Abkhazia, however, we are not able to visit Tskhinvali” - noted Rosaria Puglisi.

Minister discussed general condition of IDPs with the representatives of CoE. He noted that there are two categories of IDPs - in private accommodation and in collective centres. Koba Subeliani also referred to the privatization of the leaving spaces, individual electricity counters’ installation and gasification processes. He also noted that 22 000 IDPs already own the property and privatization is ongoing process, in addition of new buildings in Poti, constructions will be continued in Zugdidi, Tskaltubo and Batumi.

As Koba Subeliani noted, IDPs resettlement process is not complete and more that 40 000 IDP families are still waiting for durable housing.


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