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Minister Koba Subeliani held an official meeting with the representatives of Caritas

Category: IDP Georgia 

The Minister discussed general situation of IDPs and their needs with the representatives of Caritas International including France, Poland, Germany, Europe Bureau and Georgia offices. The President of Caritas Europe and General Director also attended the meeting.

As the visitors mentioned, the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia has been actively cooperating with the organization and in result, various successful joint projects are being implemented. As an example, a recently opened carpentry centre was mentioned.

 As per the Minister, the main direction of the State Policy towards IDP assistance includes housing and livelihood. “At the moment, 28,000 IDP families have received durable housing solution, but it is impossible to improve their living conditions without proper livelihood assistance.” – noted the Minister.

The sides discussed the prospects of future cooperation. The Minister noted that there is a need for assistance programmes that enables beneficiaries to develop their skills and self-reliance. He reiterated the importance of livelihood activities and assistance in agriculture development.

Representatives of Caritas noted that various vocational training courses are planned for IDPs. In addition, a project is being developed aiming at rehabilitation of water system in village Tsintskaro.

Caritas International unites 163 country organizations, among them Caritas Georgia is one. It aims at assisting vulnerable population, poverty reduction, healthcare assistance, education and emergency response.


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