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The French Ambassador Expressed Gratitude to the Minister for the Active Cooperation

Category: IDP Georgia 

The Minister of the IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani hosted the French Ambassador Eric Fournier. It was a farewell meeting, as the French Ambassador has been appointed to the new position.

The French ambassador thanked the Minister and the Ministry for active cooperation and noted that he is disappointed due to the fact that IDPs’ returning to their homes could not occur during his mission in Georgia. The Ambassador also noted that, within the new position he will often visit Georgia and continue to work on various issues, including the issue of IDP return as well.

The ambassador is actively involved in organizing the planned visit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's to Georgia and wishes this visit would meet the expectations of Georgian society including IDPs.

The Minister thanked the Ambassador for the fruitful cooperation and support of the Georgian people. He especially noted the post-war IDPs assistance and rehabilitation of the damaged infrastructure. The Minister discussed the achievements in the field of IDP resettlement and their current needs. Koba Subeliani also discussed achieved success in the field of IDPs accommodation issues and the remaining challenges. According to Koba Subeliani, most of the IDPs displaced in result of 2008 August war have already received the durable housing solution and the Ambassador described the process as "efficient" and "impressive". However, despite the fact that most of IDPs affected by Russian occupation in 90s’ became the owners of the apartments and live in good conditions, some are still waiting for decent living conditions, which is their basic right as well. "Better coordination and mobilization of donor resources is needed, to make sure that all the IDP families live in decent living conditions" - noted the Minister.


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