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48 IDP Families Received Living Spaces in Poti

Category: IDP Georgia 

Improvement of living conditions for IDPs and their accommodation in regions continues. With the assistance of the State, 48 IDP families, 207 persons from Abkhazia will live in New Rayon of Poti.

IDPs from so-called Barracks were accommodated in new 2 five-storey building recently constructed in Maltakva Region, Poti. In “Camping” settlement, 1-2 storey wooden “barracks”, IDPs lived in dire conditions for years. 207 IDPs will live in their own, new comfortable flats.

As the new residents noted, they were not expecting such conditions and could not believe that the State would give them new apartments as a present.

Dinara Gogokhia, IDP from Abkhazia: “I lived in Barracks after leaving Abkhazia; we are 5 persons in family and we were occupying one small room. It was very difficult in winter, the water was leaking from the roof and the room was so cold. After Abkahzia, I could not imagine having my own flat. We received 2 apartments according to the family composition. The whole family is so happy. we can sleep normally, children can study and receive the guests. My children are very happy and it delights me most of all.”


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