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35 IDP Families to Live in New House

Category: IDP Georgia 

The Swiss Ambassador to Georgia H.E. Guenther Baechler and the Minister Koba Subeliani Signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which envisages the construction of individual houses for the IDPs.

According to the Memorandum “Provisioning sustainable resettlement conditions for IDPs living in Tskaltubo settlement” – 35 IDP families Individual living spaces will receive. These are the internally displaced persons who are currently living in amortized settlement “Cottage 1”. All 35 cottages will be destroyed and replaced with the new individual houses.

All houses will be equipped with bathroom and living room, which includes the kitchen, also the bedrooms according to the number of family members (E.g.: House for 1-2 persons has 1 bedroom, house for 2-4 persons has 2 bedrooms and house for 5-6 persons has 3 bedrooms accordingly).

As the Minister of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani noted, IDPs will move to their new houses in the forthcoming autumn. “According to the joint funding of the Georgian and the Swiss Government, IDPs who lived in the dire conditions, in “cottage 1” will receive new houses. Construction will be completed by fall of next year and this will be their property. It is important that they do not have to go elsewhere, because they are adapted to the local conditions ".

Ambassador said that this is a very important project, which will provide 35 displaced families with permanent houses. “The cottages where the IDP families live were built in 1995 and now there are very bad conditions. In September this families will move to the new houses” - noted the Ambassador.

The process of providing durable housing to the IDPs continues and gradually all IDP families will receive living spaces. Video Gallery


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