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Consultative meeting with IDP families in the municipality of Rustavi

Source: Portal GINSC
Category: IDP Georgia 

On the 15th of February in the municipality of Rustavi a consultative meeting with IDPs, organized by the Women’s Information Center, took place. The aim of the meeting was to discuss with IDP families their issues and to collect the various cases for documentation.

At the meeting IDP families had the opportunity to state their problems and to discuss those with representatives of Women’s Information Center and a consulting lawyer.

Each case showed that common problems exist. Amongst others, IDPS have to deal with severe living conditions, which include the lack of electricity, insufficient sanitation and heating problems, as well as health care and social issues.

The consultative meetings with Internally Displaced Persons and Conflict Affected Women are conducted to collect the cases for documentation and to present them in the One Window Shop meetings, in which IDP women and their families find solutions with the participation of governmental agencies.

Women’s Information Center has been using the “One Window” consultation methodology as part of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development", which is implemented by the UN Women's Organization, with the Women's Information Center and “Taso Foundation, with support of the Norwegian government.

At this time, Women's Information Center has been organized 7 consultative meeting in Gori, Rustavi, Kutaisi and Zugdidi. We discussed 71 cases and 40 of them were decided successfully.

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