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15 IDP families Were Transferred Living Spaces into their Ownership

Category: IDP Georgia 

The Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani transferred apartment to IDPs living in former “Santekmontazh” collective center into their ownership and gave them Public Registry extract.

Since 1991 IDPs from Abkhazia had been living in dire conditions in the former “Santekmontazh” collective center.

In 2010 the building was rehabilitated and families from different collapsed unit were settled. The living spaces were transferred to the IDP families who were living with their relatives or renting an apartments.

The rehabilitation of the unit was carried out by the financial support of World Vision Georgia and UN. They also financed micro business of several IDP families living in the collective center.

On the basis of the proposed successful business project, mini sartorial and car repair salon were created where IDPs are employed.


Tags: IDP Koba

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