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every IDP to have their own houses

Category: IDP Georgia 

Mikheil Saakashvili promised to IDPs that in his presidential term, they will have their own houses, said president during the meeting with the residents in Poti. This answer was connected to the question which concerned the issue of accommodation for IDPs.

As president said building of the apartment will continue for the IDPs. He also added that last few months 30 thousand apartments have been built for the IDPs living in Georgia and two more will be built.

"I know that this was always the issue of arguing; also some people say that someone has got two or three houses. I do not know, it needs to be checked; finally, I go and I saw these people, very poor people, those, who got their first apartments. If something was failed, we all have to check it, but all IDPs will got the houses in my presidential term"- he said.

As Saakashvili said IDPs will have a permanent house, and it's a matter of principle.


Tags: Saakashvili IDPs house

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