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Saudi cleric: Prohibit women from using air conditioning

Category: It`s interesting to know 

A man who claimed to be a Salafist-Wahhibist cleric put the word out on Twitter that women should not flip on air conditioners at home because it sends the signal they’re home and that could lead to moral depravities.
The alleged cleric said “turning on the cooler ventilator is prohibited for women in the absence of their husbands [because] the woman’s act is very dangerous, and may bring about immorality in the society. When she turns the cooler on, someone may notice her presence home, and this might bring about immorality,” International Business Times reported.

Salafists and Wahhibists are the ultra-conservatives of Sunni Muslims, hail from Saudi Arabia, and issue frequent fatwas — clerical rulings on Islamic law, IBT reported. In April, another cleric claiming to belong to the Salafist sect posted a YouTube video claiming rape of non-Sunni and non-Muslim women was acceptable, according to the Koran.
He said then, IBT reported: It’s “legitimate fatwa for Muslims waging war against [Syrian President Bashar] Assad and trying to put in place a Sharia government to capture and have sex with Alawites and other non-Sunni, non-Muslim women.”


Tags: cleric Twitter women conditioners moral depravities

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