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From new academic year, some of pre-school age children will stay without kindergarten.

Category: It`s interesting to know 

For this time, all of 156 kindergartens in Tbilisi is full.

In the Agency of Kindergartens in Tbilisi there is a queue since 20th of July. The parents of pre-school age children ask to admit their children in desired pre-school institutions.

“We live in Isani district. I knew, that there was some problem about admission. Because of this, I was accepting  any kindergarten in Isani-Samgori district. As it appeared, only the kindergarten in Gardabani district had a place, so we were registered there. I haven’t knew, that some part of Gardabani was considered as Tbilisi district. Now, I have came here to cancel the registration”-tells the parent, Tina Kvinikadze, who has gone to the agency on 22th of July.
First phase of registration of 2-6 years old children in Tbilisi kindergartens has started on 1 July and lasted until 10th. During these 10 days, only socially disadvantaged children could register . During next 10 days , the families, having more than one pre-school age child, had the possibility to register in one concrete kindergarten.  Next phase , which has started on 20 July and goes on during the whole year, is about the registration of all children.

Despite this, in the agency, there were some such children on the third phase, who have not registered during other phases
For example, as one of the parents has told, she had the time to register only one of her children, instead of two.

“ I could not register second child. It has appeared, that after some minutes, there were no more places in that kindergarten. Now, I’ve came in the agency for help, how can I take my children in different kindergartens? It’s impossible”- tells Nini Kasradze.

The agency hasn’t appeared able to help the parents. The only advice for the parent, was to talk the head of the kindergarten.

On the question, which mechanisms of admission does the kindergarten have,  the answer of the chairwoman Saburtalo district kindergarten “Imedi” Cicino Kharashvili was such:

 “ After the lists are sorted, we will know, how many children are in groups. Kindergarten  board apply to the agency about concrete cases. I think, that the agency won’t deny in such cases, but we can’t allow 5-60 children in one group. We will try our best” .

Sofo Khoshtaria, the head of public relations department of Kindergarten Agency, tells to “Netgazeti”, that there are no more free places in the kindergartens in Tbilisi. So, there is a risk, that some part of children, won’t be admitted in kindergartens this year.

As Sofo Khoshtaria has told, there were some problems about registration last year, but this year, the number of places has been reduced for some reasons. One of the reasons, is that the kindergartens became free. 

 “As you know, some knew programs and guidelines appeared in kindergarten and this has increased the standarts. Parents prefer not to pay the fee in private kindergartens. In addition, birth rate has increased, and one of it’s reasons is the initiative of Patriarch about children’s christening .”

As she tells , parents have to know, that the registration process isn’t over.

 “If they haven’t register now, they’ll have the possibility during next months. This process is continuous. They have to know, that if a registered children won’t go to kindergarten for 5 days, and his/her parent won’t bring medical certificate, the director can exclude the child, and the vacancy will appear”.- tells Khoshtaria.

What about the children, who are already going in kindergartens, they haven’t had the problems about registration. Mostly, 2-3 years old children have problems, who are registering for the first time.

There are more than 40 000 children in Tbilisi kindergartens.


Source: Portal GINSC


Tags: kindergartens pre-school institutions

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