Category: IDP Georgia 2013-10-22
On 15, 16, 17 October the training in planning of income generating activities was held in the frames of project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia. Representatives of self-help groups from different conflict affected regions of Georgia participated in the training. Participants had been chosen by their proposals for the grant competition Support of Social and Economic Development of Internally Displaced, Conflict Affected and Ethnic Minority Communities. Eligible for the training were authors of income generating projects. After three day training self-help groups’ representatives will further elaborate their projects and will take part in the second tour of grant competition.
WEPD project is supported by Norwegian Government and is implementing by UN Women office in Tbilisi in partnership with Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation. The project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia implies cooperation, technical and financial assistance to relevant national partners in the government and civil society in order to support the realization of gender equality and the reduction of feminized poverty through addressing women’ social, economic, and political needs, with particular focus on internally displaced, conflict-affected and national minority women’s groups.
Source: Portal GINSC |