Category: IDP Georgia 2013-11-20
Taso Foundation implements the component of social mobilization in the frames of the project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia (WEPD). Social mobilization implies empowerment and support of local communities for their effective cooperation with local government representatives in order to solve the social problems of the respective communities.
In each targeted municipality in the WEPD project are formed Committees of cooperation with local self-government. Committees consist of individuals included in WEPD project and other representatives of local community. The main objective of those committees is to activate the process of gender sensitive budgeting and participate in the decision making process together with local self-government. Since 11 November round table meetings between Committees and local self-government representatives are held in every targeted municipality. On the meetings results of community needs’ assessment surveys are presented and possible solutions of various problems are found together with self-governments’ representatives. Round table meetings were already held in 4 municipalities.
According to self-government representatives these kinds of meetings are mutually beneficial as long as the process of local budgeting has to be started soon and thus it will be more oriented on real problems of communities.
WEPD project is supported by Norwegian Government and is implementing by UN Women office in Tbilisi in partnership with Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation. The project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia implies cooperation, technical and financial assistance to relevant national partners in the government and civil society in order to support the realization of gender equality and the reduction of feminized poverty through addressing women’ social, economic and political needs, with particular focus on internally displaced, conflict-affected and national minority women’s groups.
Source: Portal GINSC |