Category: Announcements  2014-09-16
18-22 September, 2014 – Hotel “Lopota”, Kakheti, Georgia. Women’s Information Center, in cooperation with UN Women, will hold a gender responsive budgeting (GRB) training in the framework of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development”. Staff of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs will participate in the training.
Training will be conducted by Elizabeth Klatzer, a GRB expert from Austria. Participants will deepen their knowledge in the subjects such as: GRB as a gender mainstreaming strategy, interlinkage of GRB with program budgeting, international practice and studies, putting GRB into practice, etc.
About the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia”
Supported by the Government of Norway, project is being implemented by UN Women in partnership with Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation. Project aims to support IDP, conflict-affected and national minority women’s groups, as well as civil society and government, and to build their capacity for promoting gender equality and women’s rights in Georgia.