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ISIS Teen Postergirls Get Much-Needed Reality Check: One Life-Altering Event That Changes Everything

Kyle Becker
Category: It`s interesting to know 

Remember these two girls? That’s 15-year-old Sabina Selimovic (left) and 17-year-old Samra Kesinovic (right) who fled their home country of Austria to join up with a ravaging group of terrorist marauders known as ISIS (or ISIL, the Islamic State) and became their international postergirls.


So how are they faring so far in their newly chosen life of servitude to Islamist fanatics? Well, let’s consider that the two smiling, fresh-faced teens – who could pass for teenagers in any Western country – look a lot more like this than in their Facebook friendly photos:


The very predictable update? Not so much. While several reports had it that at least one of the dhimmi duo had met her inevitable demise at the hand of her barbaric captors, word has gotten out that the two are married and indeed pregnant – soon to presumably give birth to babies to be molded by ISIS.


Doesn’t look quite as fierce as in earlier photos, which had the younger Sabina posing in a guerrilla warrior outfit and looking “liberated” – as if she were a freedom fighter looking forward to a new world of opportunities under the Islamist caliphate.

After once claiming brazenly: “Don’t look for us. We will serve Allah, and we will die for him,” the teens have apparently come to their senses, but all-too-late. The New York Post reported:

Two Austrian teens got way more than they bargained for when they abandoned their homes and families to become “poster girls” for ISIS terrorists, and now they desperately want to come home…


The teens are believed to be married, pregnant and living in the ISIS-controlled city of Raqqa in northern Syria, Central European News reports.


Instead of a life being held up as the female icons of the Islamic State, it must have come as a shock to the teens that they are seen less as revolutionary warriors in their burgeoning caliphate, and more like this:

So, how were these teens lured into a lifestyle serving the bloodthirsty Islamic State? In a fashion common for Westerners who convert to Islamic extremism:

The teens apparently were lured to ISIS by propaganda preached at their local mosque.


Clerics told them that the only way to know true peace was to head to Syria and take part in the holy war, officials said.


The teen girls managed to get word to their families that they urgently want to break free from their savage captors. Unfortunately for them, their situation is such that it is very difficult to flee, if not impossible.


Instead of a glamorous life serving as a warrior in the ISIS vanguard, they are there as mere reproduction machines to serve as terrorist propaganda. Imminent motherhood, obviously, can change one’s perspective on everything.


Tags: ISIS postergirls

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