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Iranian-British woman jailed over sport protest released on bail

Category: It`s interesting to know 

Ghoncheh Ghavami, an Iranian-British woman jailed in Tehran earlier this month for taking part in a protest against a ban on women attending some men's sporting events, has been released on bail, Britain's Foreign's Office said on Sunday.

Ghavami was arrested on June 20 outside Tehran's Azadi Stadium, where she and others were demanding that women be allowed in to watch a volleyball match between Iran and Italy.

A Tehran court sentenced her to a year in jail earlier this month for spreading anti-state propaganda, Iranian media said.

"We are aware Ms Ghoncheh Ghavami has been released on bail in Iran. We remain in regular contact with her family," a spokesman for the Foreign Office told Reuters.

Britain, which has no permanent diplomatic presence in Iran but has said it plans to reopen its embassy soon, has said it had several worries about the way Ghavami has been treated.

Ghavami is reported to be staying with her parents in the Iranian capital until the Court of Appeal rules on her sentence. During her incarceration, she went on a hunger strike to protest against what she said was her unjust jailing.


Tags: Ghoncheh Ghavami Iran volleyball

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