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The woman, who set the world on Mother's Day, died childless

Category: It`s interesting to know 

Mother's Day for the first time in America in the early 20th century, peace activist, Anna Jarvis's efforts were introduced. He campaigned on 10 May 1905, the date of the death of his mother in 1908 and has made the Mother's Day public holiday has been declared. Anna Jarvis, the commercialization of the day against this, because many companies serious profits for greeting cards, flowers, and other gifts from the sale.

Anna Jarvis was upset. Saying that the mother should have been a day to honor mothers of soldiers killed in the day and not buying gifts. He wanted me to this day it is the mothers of children with gifts and handmade greeting cards in the manuscript:

"Printed greeting cards is a sign that lazy write to the woman who gave you the biggest thing than anybody else in the world. Konpetebi! And then buy him a pack to eat! "-ana Jarvis

"Day, for which so many fought, as a source of their profits into the companies' stocks -ambobda Anna and calling to boycott the different companies. In 1923 he was arrested for disturbing the peace were. Anna Jarvis, single and childless, died at the age of 87.

Jarvis, a holiday soon imposed by other countries and is now celebrated all over the world.



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