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When A Student’s Baby Started Crying In Class, This Professor Had The Best Response Ever

Category: It`s interesting to know 

Professor Sydney Engelberg, a 45-year lecturing veteran at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was unfazed when the child of a mother at his lecture on organizational behavior began to cry. The embarrassed mom tried to leave the class, but instead, the father-of-four and grandfather-of-five scooped the kid up and soothed him in his arms – without missing a beat in the lesson.


According to his daughter, Engelberg allows the mothers that attend his masters’ lectures to bring their children and even breastfeed. No mother should have to choose between a child and an education!

A mom stood up to leave Prof. Engelberg’s lecture when her baby wouldn’t stop crying.

Instead, however, the professor took the child into his arms and continued teaching – as if nothing had happened.


“The way he sees the concept of getting education is not only learning the dry facts that you need to learn in class, but also learning values,” wrote his daughter, Sarit Fishbaine.



Tags: child mother education

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