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Hillary Clinton moved by photo of young boy on Facebook

Category: It`s interesting to know 

When Humans of New York, photographer Brandon Stanton's online photo project known for sharing emotional portraits of and quotes from New York City residents, uploaded a photo to Facebook of a young gay male worried about his future, it was liked by more than 480,000 people and shared by more than 41,000. And among those well-wishers inspired by the raw, moving post was none other than presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, reports The Guardian.


"I’m a homosexual and I'm afraid about what my future will be and that people won’t like me," the simple, heartbreaking caption reads, reminding us all that though same-sex marriage is finally legal nationwide, we still have a ways to go when it comes to social acceptance and understanding.


But a mere hour after the touching photo was posted, Hillary Clinton herself took to Facebook to offer some wonderful words of encouragement: “Prediction from a grown-up: Your future is going to be amazing. You will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of and the incredible things you go on to do. Find the people who love and believe in you – there will be lots of them.”


Tags: Hillary Clinton Humans New York Facebook

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