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Pregnant girl, 15, reportedly being held hostage by ISIS

Category: It`s interesting to know 

ISIS is reportedly holding a pregnant 15-year-old girl who ran away from her home in Sweden hostage in Syria. She’s said to be six months pregnant. The Swedish government has thus far only confirmed scant details about the kidnapping.


According to reports, the girl and her boyfriend, who is 19, ran away to Syria through Turkey in an attempt to join al Qaeda after the two were secretly married. ISIS militants abducted them in the war-torn city of Aleppo in the northern part of the country, and the girl was moved to a camp with other captive women. The man is reportedly being forced to fight as a jihadist for the militants. The girl was able to call home after another woman at the camp loaned her a cellphone. “She was very sad and very scared,” her foster mother reportedly said.


News of their kidnapping, which occurred earlier this month, comes days after a report that emerged from Iraq in which a Kurdish official said ISIS executed 19 women for refusing “sexual jihad.”



Tags: ISIS kidnapping

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