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Tattoo artist covers up domestic violence survivors’ scars free of charge

Category: It`s interesting to know 

Flavia Carvalho, a 31-year-old tattoo artist from Curitiba, Brazil, is using her business for good. Carvalho is offering free tattoos to women with scars from domestic violence, completely free of charge in a program called A Pele de Flor (The Skin Of The Flower). Her beautiful tattoo work tastefully hides the abuse victims' scars, and helps the women move past painful memories of the past.

Carvalho, who also offers the service to women with mastectomy scars got the idea from a client who was attacked in a nightclub:

“"She told me that she was at a nightclub, and when she turned down a man who approached her, he stabbed her with an switchblade.
When she saw the finished tattoo, she was extremely moved, and that deeply touched me.
I was suddenly struck by the idea of providing free tattoos to women who were left with scars following domestic violence or mastectomies.
Each tattoo would act as an instrument for empowerment and a self-esteem booster."

Check out some of the before and after photos below.


Tags: Flavia Carvalho domestic violence

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