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Helen Mirren is Britain's most 'empowering' female says poll of 2,000 women

Category: It`s interesting to know 

Dame Helen Mirren is the most empowering female, according to other women.

A study of 2,000 women revealed the Calendar Girls actress, 70, was ahead of author JK Rowling and First Lady Michelle Obama.

Dame Helen has won a large female following thanks to her down to earth personality and the way she embodies female empowerment - including her latest comments on wishing she had spoken her mind more when she was younger.

She was also famously pictured on the beach in a red bikini at the age of 63 and happily tucked into a burger, just hours after winning her best actress Oscar in 2006 - and while still wearing her gown.


Second place in the poll went to Harry Potter author Rowling , who became one of the world’s best-selling writers after starting out as a single mother on benefits.

America’s First Lady came third - followed by outspoken singer Adele and heptathlete Jessica Ennis-Hill , who has recently won gold at the World Championships in Beijing within months of returning to the track following the birth of her son.

It also emerged that 55 per cent of women said empowered celebrities make them feel more confident about their appearance and the things they do and say.

And almost three in 10 went as far as to say they have worn, said or done something a little different to the norm after seeing a celebrity do the same thing.


Mary Young of Lil-Lets, which commissioned the poll, said: “Women in the public eye can make a real difference to how others lead their lives.

“By seeing our idols and people we look up to doing and saying what they believe in, it can give real women the confidence to do the same.

“They can help to make things that many are too shy or ashamed to do seem more acceptable.”

The study found 62 per cent of women believe it’s important for celebrities to stand up for what they think is important, while 80 per cent want them to speak out on important issues.

Not being embarrassed or ashamed to wear what they like, doing something different with their appearance and being open about their own body hang-ups also make a female celebrity popular with other women.

More than six in 10 also said that celebrities have made them less embarrassed about things such as body hair, their weight or sex lives.

Despite this, 52 per cent of women still avoid discussing taboo subjects such as periods, sexual history, and personal health.

Forty per cent of women said they don’t want to talk about certain subjects because they are worried about what others will think of them and they didn’t want to stand out from the crowd.

The research marks the launch of a new initiative by Lil-Lets, its Tampon Truths campaign, which is encouraging women to share information and advice on topics still classed as taboo in today’s society, including periods.

It found women worry less about what others think of them as they get older, with 85 per cent saying they care less about opinions on their actions as time goes on.

And 82 per cent say things they might have found embarrassing to discuss as teenagers such as periods or sex become less of an issue as they get older.

Topping the list of embarrassing topics for women were sexual history, periods, and body hair, with almost 60 per cent of respondents saying that their sex lives were easier to discuss than their periods.


Tags: Helen Mirren empowering female

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