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Sex in Georgia

Category: It`s interesting to know 

I was single again when I decided to go to Georgia for longer. My friends, the dating experts for divorcees, welcomed that with a smirk and a question how I was going to handle these things. Some of my buddies were quite convinced I would go for multiple affairs with some beautiful and mysterious women of the East. And some of them even wanted my advice before their potential “sex tour” to Georgia.


I had no fixed plan. I had no ready answers. I didn’t want to be like Hank Moody – just drink, smoke and bang everything what moves. A sort of Polish-Georgian international intercourse, if you know what I mean. Quite the contrary. I was like a bearded monk aspiring to be the next orthodox saint. I didn’t believe my Father when he told me: “You’re 30 now. The best 10 years of your life is now. Make the most of it!”. I was working, sightseeing, daydreaming and writing about Georgian society, history, culture, relationships.


Planet Georgia


I was watching all those Georgian women in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi or in the country. I was observing and writing about their relationships, jobs and challenges they take on. That’s how “Love in Georgia” (published only on PolishGeorgian site) was born. You can treat this text as an introduction to the topic of interest of all liberated and spoiled inhabitants of the filthy West. Sex in Georgia. A taboo, a myth, something, nothing? Does it exist?


It seems that the sexual revolution has not reached Georgia. Its last stop was in Transcaucasia – the outside world and maybe in capital city – Tbilisi. In Georgia there’s no sexual freedom like in “old” Europe or debauchery that is so well-known in the western world. Georgian women wear modest clothes and many families think they should be “used” mostly for child-bearing. After fulfilling their role as mothers, there is no need to keep the sexual relation. At least that’s how it works for women. Men are a different kettle of fish. Probably most of them have some “adventures” outside the family home.


It’s very hard to be a woman in Georgia. It’s hard to live being ensnared in such prudish, conservative and chauvinistic society.


It’s enough to go to any Georgian city, town or church. You’ll see mostly young women there. Dressed in conservative and “safe” clothes. No overdoing it, no low necks, no sex appeal. Men look totally different. A lot  of them are Macho types sporting gold neck chains and paunches. Sometimes the view is funny to see True Caucasian Warriors in old banger. Focused on chasing European female tourists, luring them with their mythical, Georgian charm.


Sex in Georgia


The Internet is full of the buzz created by expat women and female volunteers from Europe: they usually claim everywhere they go, they are being hit on by randy Georgians. The women have told stories about taxi drivers who repeatedly tried to ask them out or were bragging about their affairs with Russian and Ukrainian girls.


In Georgia, a rumour has it that all Slav girls are unsatisfied sex-machines, and even Samantha Jones (“Sex and the City”) is an innocent angel when compared to them. Even young boys know that!


Well, men are allowed to enjoy themselves during their teenage years. Very often their caring fathers buy sex with prostitutes before their sons turn 18. Paid sex in Georgia is readily available. Simple. All you need to do is to go to one of Tbilisi districts, Saburtalo, or somewhere near the main road. Many Thai massage salons in the centre offer the exact same services. They are located at the back of Rustaweli Avenue. Not sure how to start? Ask a taxi driver or go to the seaside: Batumi or Gonio. There you will find plenty of call girls whose main target are Turkish tourists. A few years ago the media mentioned about paid sex in Georgia that most of the girls are from Uzbekistan or Dagestan, sometimes from Chechnya.


Contrary to men, women in Georgia usually don’t get a change to try the forbidden fruit; they usually don’t engage in relationships in their teenage years, but are directly transferred from their family homes to their husbands’ homes. There is nothing in between. It’s seems that a husband is often the one and only sexual partner in their lives. Many women get pregnant when they are 13 or 14 and this is still a problem at Georgian countryside. Young Georgian newlyweds don’t care about the rubber. No sexual education, no protection. However, Viagra had been a bestseller in pharmacies. At least it was so till September 2014 when the blue pill ws still an over-the-counter medicine.


That is why so many young and talented Georgian women prefer to get good education, a scholarship and study abroad. It’s the only chance to break the chain, at least for a while. However, they are so much attached to their homeland that they always come back. As a result, those young and educated women go back to their traditional families, assume the traditional female roles and then raise another generation of men who will dominate women in the future. A never-ending story.


In 2014 and 2015 in Tbilisi held a few conferences on domestic violence and women’s rights. These issues need to be discussed, but the idea is still quite new to some people. Also the Orthodox church officials’ reaction to that remains unknown.


It’s not easy to say what a man should do to successfully hit on a Georgian girl. The local women think of foreigners as a temporary and changing element. They are aware that they don’t want to stay there for good. Georgian women don’t think much about us – they assume we are the same as their men. Also the Georgian people believe they should defend national integrity and strive to keep genetic continuity. Not having much choice the expat men and women date each other only. A closed circle.


Sex in Georgia. Fast romance, young couples, fast divorce. Nowadays everything is changing and everything is liquid. And plenty of small children, even thoughall the Georgian institutions claim the population is shrinking and more than 160 towns are endangered. It’s really hard to imagine an average Georgian woman as a promiscuous vamp.


Beautiful Caucasian girls are like creatures from another planet. Innocent, pure, unaware.


I still don’t know if it’s good or bad.




Tags: woman Georgia Sex

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