Key European and national women decision makers met in Brussels on 16th September at the invitation of the European Women’s Lobby to launch the Campaign “50/50 No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality”.| The Campaign seeks to ensure the equal representation of women and men in the European Parliament to be elected in June 2009 and the upcoming European Commission. The Campaign will run from 16th September 2008 until the European Parliament elections and the appointment of the European Commission and other top positions at EU level in 2009, and will include activities across Europe. For full details, see the campaign website
The European Women's Lobby is the largest non-governmental women’s organisation in the European Union, representing 2000 direct member organisations in 28 European countries. Working with its members at national and European level, the EWL’s main objective is to fight for equality between women and men, ensuring the integration of a gender equality perspective in all EU policies.
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