Category: Gender in Caucasus  2009-02-05
On January 23-25 a workshop on the elaboration of the National Action Plan on Domestic Violence 2009-2010 was held in the hotel “Villa Vita” in Bakuriani, Georgia. The workshop was a jointly initiative by the UNFPA-implemented “Combating Gender-Based Violence in the South Caucasus” project and the Georgian Young Lawyers Association.
Members of the newly established State Interagency Coordination Council on Domestic Violence, representatives of Government ministries and NGOs involved in addressing domestic violence in Georgia participated in the workshop. Furthermore, the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament and a Chair of the Advisory Council on Gender Equality Issues at the Chair of the Parliament attended the workshop.
Within the framework of the meeting, main findings and recommendations of the Monitoring Report of the implementation of the Action Plan on Elimination of Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance of its Victims 2007-2008 were presented. Aforementioned monitoring report was prepared by independent experts with support of the United Nations Population Fund. Major findings and recommendations of the monitoring report were incorporated into the new draft National Action Plan on Domestic Violence 2009-2010.
The draft National Action Plan on Domestic Violence 2009-2010 is completed and will be considered by the government for approval in the near future.
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