Category: Gender in the world  2009-02-23
“Union of wifes and Invalids and lost” (NGO) has organized in Tbilisi presentation of the results of “Women advocating peace and security” project. The project is aimed at reestablishment of confidence between Georgian and Ossetian women through their active involvement in peacemaking process, which at the moment is one of the most burning problems of Georgian society.
The objectives of the project were as following: - To raise awareness of Human Rights and peace-making and tolerance issues among Georgian and Ossetian women; - Dissemination of the above said principles among general public with active involvement of women; - Promotion of women’s part in peacemaking processes.
In the framework of the project training seminars on Human Rights, peacemaking and tolerance, woman’s role in peacemaking processes were organized for IDP women of Little and Big Liakhvi and Proni villages.
The project was financially supported by Swedish Women Fund “Quinna till Quinna”. The presentation was attended by representatives of international and non-governmental organizations, State institutions, the Media and IDP women of Little and Big Liakhvi and Proni villages.
Source: GINSC portal |