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Humanitarian aid donated by the EU was not delivered to the IDPs

Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

Recently in Khelvachauri Region, a number of spaghetti packages, which were considered as the humanitarian aid for the victims of conflict 2008, were exchanged in mandarins and brought for sale in Tbilisi. It is obscure why EU aid was not delivered to concrete and precise people and how was the aid seized by others.

People, who brought the humanitarian goods to Khelvachauri, demanded 5 boxes (approximately 180 kg) of so called “super mandarin” instead of 5 packages spaghetti. Reason of expensiveness was stated the following: it was not“ordinary” spaghetti, but EU’s spaghetti.

The locals did not express much interest towards this fact.

Davit Kavtaradze: “They demanded high quality mandarin; moreover they were exchanging package spaghetti for one box mandarin, stating that spaghetti was a good one.”

 “The Center of Human Rights” also managed to talk to a minibus driver, but in vain, as the driver did not answer the questions. The only comment he made was, that he is an ordinary driver and does not have any other information about the above mentioned spaghetti.

Doubt, that spaghetti was indeed considered for the victims of conflict 2008 can be proved with the validity term written on the packages, reading that validity term expired in March and April 2010.


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