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Problems of IDP in Verkhvebi

Nino Chibchiuri
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

Marina Maisuradze lives now in Gori, in Verkhvebi settlement, she is internally displaced person from Tskhinvali region and continues active participation in civil processes. She is the member of the coalition “For Women’s Political Engagement” and tries to inform the government about the problems of the settlement. She thinks that the most problematic issue is the situation of cottages.

Marina Maisuradze often asks her neighbors about their living conditions in order to inform relevant institutions and to solve these problems. Musty and cracked walls, the absence of storerooms, damaged roofs, these are some of the problems, which need urgent attention. Internally displaced persons tell that musty walls worsen  from day to day their health. Internally displaced persons ask the government to give them the ownership of the lands near the settlement.

The member of the coalition “For Women’s Political Engagement “ has informed local government about the problems of the settlement by presenting the report. The chairman of the council and the governor of the municipality have told, that they are negotiating with the building company, which has built these cottages and the rehabilitation is being planned.

As IDPs tell, the government has to act about these issues in time, otherwise it’s possible that the consequences are unfortunate.
Source: Portal GINSC

Тэги: Women’s Political Engagement IDP government Georgia

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