Nino Chibchiuri კატეგორია: დევნილები  2013-08-21
On 13-16 August, in Kazbegi, Women’s Information Center held a training “UN SCR 1325 and the implementation on local level”. The training was held in the frame of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia”.
The representatives of non-governmental organizations and local self-government of Shida Qartli and Qvemo Qartli have attended the training. Participators and organizers have discussed UN SCR 1325, and the representatives of Women’s Information Center held a presentation for participators in order to clarify the concept of gender.
As a result of training, the enumeration of distinctive signs of sex and gender has been simplified for the participators. A discussion was also held in this field, the participators worked also in groups about analysis and discussed legislative changes concerning human rights.
Second part of the training was dedicated to the role of UN and international organizations in the field of peace keeping. Trainers introduced 2012-2015 National Action Plan of UN SCR 1325.
During the last part of the training, the issues of public information, its transparency and civil activeness were discussed. There was a big interest from the audience about this topic, what has been confirmed by their engagement. The participators have talked about women’s and girls’ needs by the example of their regions, and presented the ways of solving these problems.
During the last day of the training, organizers have talked about “one window shop” principle methodology. They have also answered the questions about finding and discussing concrete cases.
The project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia” is implemented with the support of the government of Norway, by UN Women with the partnership with Women’s Information Center and “Taso” Foundation. The project aims to support IDPs, conflict affected and national minorities women groups, civil society and the government and to strengthen their possibilities in order to protect women’s rights and gender equality in Georgia. Source: Portal GINSC