ketevan Nozadze კატეგორია: დევნილები  2013-08-29
Sewage well is full in the former kindergarten № 165, located in Vazisubani, where 37 IDP families are settled. Accumulated fecal mass in the well is coming out from the toilets of the houses. According to the residents this is not the first case. This is due to the fact that the existing sewage pipes in the building are not connected to the central system and a large amount of money is required for conducting the periodic cleaning works.
IDPs residing in the compact settlement feel deceived, because they were not informed about the existing situation prior to their settlement in the building two years ago. This problem was unsolved in the former kindergarten as well: water and sewage systems were not working properly. Water coming from pipes leaks in the walls due to which the entire building is in poor state.
Sewerage system is damaged in the yard as well. Due to created unsanitary conditions, there is a high probability of spreading the different infections which poses a threat to the local population, especially children and sick elderly. Because of the unbearable smell residents can not open the windows during the whole summer.
IDPs face other problems too: due to the badly repaired roof there is leaking roof in the houses of every second resident of the building. There is suspension in supply of water as well. When the sewage pipes breakdowns, it becomes necessary to shut off the water for several days. Territory of the former kindergarten is full of snakes and the respective departments do not care about taking any measure.
The mentioned case was discussed at the “One Window Shop” Principle Consultation Meeting organized by the Women’s Information Center in the frames of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia” on 17th of June, at Tbilisi Mayor's Office. However the representatives of the state agencies attending the meeting somehow do not hurry to solve the problem.
Source: Portal GINSC