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Civil society supports the population of Dvani

Nino Chibchiuri
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

The village Dvani, in Kareli district is in the center of attention due to recent developments. Actions are held almost every day in order to protest “Creeping Annexation”. Civil society visited the village with the journalists to support local population.

Special union has been founded in Telavi: “Hands off from Georgia”. The representatives of the union visited Dvani and discussed needs of local population. 

In parallel to current protests, the process of making demarcation line has stopped. 2-3 km. far from settlements, as a result of “new border lines”, 15 hectares of land are in occupied territory.

Population of Dvani does not know in which direction Russian frontiers will continue occupation. What about those three families, who have destroyed their houses due to the situation in Dvani, legally they
are IDPs and must receive relevant compensation. Society works actively in order to help them.

The parliament of Georgia, as the representative organ of the country, has to react to all of these actions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia must use all of resources, engage different institutions in order to discuss and solve this problem. They have to apply once more to the Government of Russia to stop this process.

Source: Portal GINSC

Тэги: Dvani Action protest Creeping Annexation Civil society

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