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UN Women presents results of research about the needs of women in Kvemo Kartli

Категория: Национальные меньшинства 

On 25 October 2013, UN Women and the Institute of Social Research and Analysis presented results of research about the needs of women in Kvemo Kartli.

The aim of the research was to study the situation and needs of national minorities women living in Kvemo Kartli in following spheres: gender equality, domestic violence, healthcare, education, social care, economy and access to state service.

As it has revealed, most of questioned women married early. Most of respondents can’t speak in Georgian, 7% cannot read, 33% have incomplete secondary education.

They have lack of information about State services and programs. 80% of women, which have children, don’t have access to kindergartens and tell, that there are no kindergartens in their settlement. 77,6% are not informed about the activities and responsibilities of local self-government institutions. 3,6% apply to police, 2.3% to the Court to solve legal problems. The reason is mistrust and lack of financial resources for the procedures.

The research was held in June-September 2013 and 500 women respondents were questioned.

The research of national minority women’s needs and priorities was held in the frame of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development” with the support of the Government of Norway.

Source: Portal GINSC

Тэги: national minorities women research UN Women

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