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IDPs are Demanding Renewal of Social Assistance

Nino Chibchiuri
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

56 years old Liana Zubashvili, because of unknown reason, does not receive social assistance any more. She explains that social agents got interested in their family situation several times recently, and eventually stopped delivering assistance. For now, source of income for Zubashvili family is only 28 Lari assistance for IDPs.

Other IDPs are also complaining on cessation of social assistance. Besides Karaleti, IDPs from other settlements are also talking about this problem.

Two months ago, IDPs living in Tserovani conducted act of protest on this issue, and demanded visit of the Minister.

IDPs raised a question of social assistance in the meeting with Gori majoritarian, who visited Skra settlement few days ago. According to the information of Soso Vakhtangashvili, respective commission is studying a problem and in case of irregularities, adequate measures will be taken.

Part of IDPs stopped to receive social assistance since the summer this year. Their re-registration has been started from September 20 in Gori Municipality. IDPs believe that Government should have taken steps to improve their living conditions in better directions.

Source. Portal GINSC


Тэги: IDPs Karaleti Tserovani Government

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