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One Window Principle meeting was held in Tetritskaro Municipality

Ketevan Nozadze
კატეგორია: ეროვნული უმცირესობები 

On November 18, 2013 in Kvemo Kartli Tetritskaro municipality One Window principle meeting was held. The aim of the meeting was to solve the problems of people living in village Tsintskaro, mainly representatives of national minorities. Meeting was facilitated by Alexandre Rusetski.

Representatives of local municipality and social service agency, as well as the Ministry of regional development and infrastructure and ministry of education and science, attended the meeting. Beneficiaries themselves also participated in the meeting and presented their problems.

6 Cases were discussed. Among them most important for the population was the water supply and gasification issue. At the meeting it was agreed that the problem will be solved by joint effort of the population and relevant ministries. Some of the problems need complex approach and resolution of these problems is possible with the joint efforts of several entities. Beneficiaries received individual consultation, to which ministry or entity they should refer to for the solution of the problems. Except the cases, several issues were identified during the meeting, more specifically, issue of informing population.

Alexandre Rusetski proposed to the decision makers to provide with consultation in case of interest, on how to plan and implement changes correctly.  He also raised the issue of communication with the society; because it is important that population is more informed about their service.

One window principle consultation meeting was conducted in the framework of the project “Women for Equality, peace and development”, implemented by UN Women, Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation, with the support of Norwegian Government.

Source: Portal GINSC


ტეგები: Cases meeting Kvemo Kartli Tetritskaro municipality Women for Equality, peace and development

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სასწავლო კურსი პანკისელი ქალებისთვის: "როგორ დავიწყოთ და განვავითაროთ ბიზნესი“

სასწავლო კურსი ქალებისთვის: როგორ დავიწყოთ და განვავითაროთ ბიზნესი

საქართველოს პირველი კორპორატიული ჩემპიონატი ჭადრაკში



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