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One Window Shop Meeting in Gori

Ketevan Nozadze
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

On 2 April, in an assembly hall of Gori Municipality, Women’s Information Center held a working meeting under one window shop principle. The meeting aimed at discussion and resolution of problems concerning IDPs and conflict affected population living in villages of Gori Municipality, and especially in borderline villages.
Representatives of central and local governments, village Rtsmunebulis, regional representative of Public Defender’s office, as well as representatives of non-governmental and international organizations and media were attending the meeting.

At the meeting, 12 problem cases have been reviewed, among which the issue of healthcare and social security was the most sensitive. At the joint effort of the representatives of relevant Ministries, ways for the resolution of the problem were found immediately.

Beneficiaries were consulted individually on which agency they need to address in order to resolve problem. In addition to the cases reviewed at consultation meeting, other topics have also been revealed, in particular, the issue of awareness of the population.
Project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia” is being implemented by UN Women in cooperation with Women’s Information Center and Taso Foundation. Project is being implemented with the support of Norwegian government. Project is aimed at support of IDP, conflict affected and national minority women groups, civil society and government, and building of their capacity in terms of gender equality and women’s rights protection in Georgia


Source: Portal GINSC

Тэги: Women’s Information Center one window shop IDP UN Women

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